Master Buday's Code: A Lion's Pride


If you want the Findom Treatment go here and pay the exact amount your told to where, either a PP address or a bts/eth/et al address, depends. Yes I am the Master Buday on Grindr.

A lifetime condition, commitment, based on giving me your mind, body and soul. All your decisions and I get to do what I feel like, you can have your words heard. Complete pride dominance.
You are exclusive to me, I not you (but permanent), I may permit certain things begged for or order it, such as g/g. It’s the power that gets me hard, more to the point, your willingness to put me in the charge.
It’s not about you needing “men,” just a man, I don’t want to be told by Governments of men or women. The plural is the problem.

Born women are the ideal, any male accepted or trans would have their balls removed and present them as a request, and that isn’t very likely and all bottoms. All are bottoms, no pegging me (although if I have a male toy, females rank up, trans even do, I might enjoy that being pegged once or twice. Actually have a thing for women who dom/cuck a male that isn’t me, or female pushing them to take mine.).

I am not in the belief that smacking is dominant, a back hand ain’t likely, I mean someone into it could likely beg well enough for it. The first step to control, is self control. My original thought in creating something like this was, when if I cared about a few women, and didn’t want them beaten. I also didn’t want a bullshit relationship, I am a bad, more than eyes usually wonder. Especially Magyars, a code is a must.

Lesbian couples seeking a way to have a natural child, with a male in its life could be considered. All signed forever, you could as for a copy of the contract, non-English by request, but English one must be signed as well. 2 copies.

There is no leaving anyone for me, in my code, well the never pregnant perhaps.
Pure security. Looks do matter.

Preference: Dark hair and eyes, although some blondes really rock it. Height, well I am quite above 6 feet. Most are shorter than I, but really beauty isn’t a height thing, it’s proportions, generally.

I do not approach and hit on anyone, I prefer the final consent to be without fright of a big man’s predatory pressure, I am secure. Must be at least legal contract age. I don’t do anyone I don’t own by this contract.
M/F (sub male/balls removed) couples might be accepted, even with kid.

Balls rule: Only I and my direct line may have balls in any of the household(s).


Looking to join the pride, contact:
e-mail: masterbuday at (pics a must, requesting contract, I respect privacy as much as I expect others to, this is a leverage free zone.)
twitter account
Based In: City of Vancouver, BC Born: May 29 1978
Male. Brown Hair and Eyes. 6’3-6’4ish. Long Hair and Facial Hair.
“Don’t ever believe it when they say “No one will ever love you” because of what you did in life, career or what your trusted uncle or preacher did one day, they lie to control.” From this Tweet


Categories Dominant, Pride